Official Messages

Dr. P.S.N Prasad

I am immensely pleased to participate in The 9th Annual Lex Witness Grand Masters 2023 – A Corporate Counsel Legal Best Practices Summit Series along with you all. This premier gathering by Lex Witness is set to explore the latest trends and best practices of a corporate counsel. Events of this nature ought to stimulate our thought process and affords an opportunity to refine the same and also provides a platform to interact with the fellow participants.

Law is a dynamic weapon, which essentially triggers the proper functioning of the society to achieve the socio, economic, technological advancements, by harmonizing the individual rights and the social objects leading to the establishment of a politically stabled government for the governance of the nation.

Various stakeholders in our legal system have to appreciate that they have a key role to play and also to swim across many confluence of forces. The common man and the corporate environment are fast changing, citizen has become a netizen and cloud computing has become the order of the day, the territorial national boundaries are slowly becoming “Notional Boundaries”, laws are acquiring international character.

Lawyers are expected to not only know about their nation laws but they are bound to develop proper insight of the international perspective of laws. In fact, multinational and international organisations like world bank, International Monetary Fund, various wings of the United Nation Organisation are looking at those who had special knowledge in the international administrative law and international trade law. Therefore, events of this nature should focus on discussing the subjects such as internationalisation of corporate jurisprudence, international administrative law concepts, technology law concepts prevailing in those countries where a ‘New Tech Model’ has taken birth.

In this Tech Era, we all are aware that invisible rights recognized in the legal system popularly known as intellectual property rights (IPR) require much significance than yester years in protecting and leveraging intangible assets in a rapidly advancing cyber era. The present times have made us to realise that the Courtroom Conversations segment, focusing on mediation, arbitration, litigation and adjudication and also recognizing the importance of alternative dispute resolution mechanisms have made us to explore various alternatives which are not professed nor practiced, earlier are now slowly entered in our process of adjudication.

Please motivate yourself to join the Lex Witness Events in Mumbai, New Delhi, and Bengaluru and have a very productive utilization of your time and also upgrade your skill and knowledge in the field of law with a pragmatic approach. I am sure and confident the efforts of Lex Witness will result in great success of The Grand Masters Series 2023.

With Best Regards,

Dr. P.s.N Prasad
Member (J)
NCLT Bench – New Delhi

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